yum install -y logwatch
Default logwatch config is in /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf
Edit any overrides at /etc/logwatch/conf/
MailTo = admin@rennetti.com // who the reports are to
MailFrom = Logwatch //who the reports are from
Output = file
Format = Html
Detail = High | Med | Low
Output = html
Range = yesterday | All | Today | Yesterday
Service = All | sendmail | http | sudo
For a full list of services /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services
logwatch --detail Low --mailto email@address --service all --range today
logwatch --service php --detail High --range All --debug High
Check /usr/share/logwatch/scripts
logwatch --output file --filename /home/martinhearn/logwatch/$(date +%Y%m%d)-logwatch.html