devilbox - support for CakePHP with setup instructions  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | self.cakephp | Score: 3 Reddit

Any CakePHP-ers in the Orange County, CA area interested in a meetup?  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | self.cakephp | Score: 2 Reddit

CakePHP 3.4.9 Released  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

Announcing CakePHP 4 Strawberry. Read more about the roadmap and upcoming releases  cakephp

7 years ago | 2 comments | | Score: 11 Reddit

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Wow. Requiring PHP 7.1 might make it hard for a lot of developers, but it is ultimately the best decision going forward.

7 years ago

Check out CakeDC's new open source CakePHP Mixer plugin! Search for, install & manage cakephp plugins from your browser  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 1 Reddit

CakePHP 3.4.8 Released  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 7 Reddit

Using git with a CakePHP app  cakephp

7 years ago | 9 comments | self.cakephp | Score: 2 Reddit

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Maybe look into using DeployHQ. Pretty good, user friendly, and helps you set up Staging vs Production environments and config files, and you can use a free account for the single project.

7 years ago

Weird problem with .htaccess and URL Rewriting  cakephp

7 years ago | 5 comments | self.cakephp | Score: 2 Reddit

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I'm a little fuzzy on what you're doing here, but you will just need to play with modrewrite. I have a similar case, where our website is built in wordpress, but I have a custom booking engine (odd coincidence) that is built in SlimPHP.

Going to /lodging/ is a wordpress page But /lodging/search is a slimphp page

Here is what the htaccess looks like for that:

RewriteRule ^$ /index.php [L]
# all others to slimphp (i.e. /lodging/*)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L]

I wish I was better with mod rewrite and could help more, but I thought given I had a similar problem this might help somewhat. Can't wait to rewrite the lodging app in cake3.

7 years ago

Is there a standard forgot/reset password coding or module?  cakephp

7 years ago | 5 comments | self.cakephp | Score: 3 Reddit

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This is definitely a good plugin idea.

7 years ago

CakePHP 2.9.9 Released  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 4 Reddit

Not able to make it through to CakeFest 2017 NYC? Join the online stream!  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

CakePHP 3.4.7 released!  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 8 Reddit

Have you booked your #CakeFestNYC 2017 ticket yet? Ticket sales closing soon, don't miss out! The workshops are proving popular again this year, only a few seats left!  cakephp

7 years ago | 2 comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

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Can you explain what the workshops will cover? The site is pretty thin on details.

7 years ago

CakePHP Development Company India | CakePHP Web Development Services | Hire CakePHP Developer  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | self.cakephp | Score: Reddit

Some handy dandy code snippets and plugins I wrote! (All FREE under MIT license)  cakephp

7 years ago | 1 comment | self.cakephp | Score: 5 Reddit

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7 years ago

I open-sourced some helpful bake, search, and ACL code I wrote for work.  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | self.cakephp | Score: 6 Reddit

CakePHP 3.4.6 Released  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 8 Reddit

Using CakePHP? Show your support for the CakePHP project by using our community flags!  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 11 Reddit

A CakePHP plugin to manage translations of your static content the easy way via web backend. How do you manage it?  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

50 days to #CakeFest2017 NYC! The best and only annual conference for EVERYTHING CakePHP!  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

CakePHP Tips Eastern Special (IdeHelper, PHPStan, Whoops)  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 5 Reddit

Why CakeFest does not (currently) have a Diversity Scholarship  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 1 Reddit

Difference between $this->set() and $this->Post->set() in cakephp  cakephp

7 years ago | 2 comments | self.cakephp | Score: 1 Reddit

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To learn the difference it's always a good idea to look at the source code.


from within a controller is acting directly on the controller, so looking in lib\Cake\Controller\Controller.php at the set method gives you the following code comments:

 * Saves a variable for use inside a view template.
 * @param string|array $one A string or an array of data.
 * @param string|array $two Value in case $one is a string (which then works as the key).
 *   Unused if $one is an associative array, otherwise serves as the values to $one's keys.
 * @return void
 * @link

So as you say, it sets the variables for the view.

Using $this->Post->set() inside a controller is working on the Model, so looking in lib\Cake\Model\Model.php at the set method gives you the following code comments:

 * This function does two things:
 * 1. it scans the array $one for the primary key,
 * and if that's found, it sets the current id to the value of $one[id].
 * For all other keys than 'id' the keys and values of $one are copied to the 'data' property of this object.
 * 2. Returns an array with all of $one's keys and values.
 * (Alternative indata: two strings, which are mangled to
 * a one-item, two-dimensional array using $one for a key and $two as its value.)
 * @param string|array|SimpleXmlElement|DomNode $one Array or string of data
 * @param string $two Value string for the alternative indata method
 * @return array Data with all of $one's keys and values
 * @link

So it basically sets the data to the Model before you make a save() call. See here

7 years ago

CakeFest2017 NYC - The Annual CakePHP Conference - Schedule has been released!  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 6 Reddit

Unauthorised access bug is kicking my arse (Cake 2.6)  cakephp

7 years ago | 5 comments | self.cakephp | Score: 1 Reddit

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How long are your cookies set for? Where is the cookie management occurring, within CakePHP or PHP session management? Are your cookie path and domains set correctly?

7 years ago

CakePHP 2.9.7 Released  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 4 Reddit

“unable to load class” error on Controller Components and ViewHelpers, but still seem to work  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | self.cakephp | Score: 1 Reddit

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(solved, it had nothing to do with Cake after all...)

7 years ago

CakePHP 3.4.4 Released  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 6 Reddit

CakePHP IdeHelper Plugin to improve auto-completion  cakephp

7 years ago | 2 comments | | Score: 8 Reddit

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Netbeans support?

7 years ago

Less than a week to get your talk submissions in for CakeFest 2017 NYC, the Official CakePHP Conference! CFP closing 15th March  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 4 Reddit

CakePHP 2.9.6 Released  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 7 Reddit

CakePHP 3.4.2 Released  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 5 Reddit

CakePHP 3.4.1 Released  cakephp

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 4 Reddit

We are gearing up for CakeFest 2017 NYC! Guest speakers including Cal Evans, Grumpy programmer/Chris Hartjes and Ed Finkler. Limited Early Bird tickets available!  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

CakePHP 3.4.0 Released  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 8 Reddit

CakePHP 3.3.15 Released  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

CakePHP 3.3.14 Released  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

CakePHP 3.4.0-RC4 Released  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

CakePHP 3.3.13 Released  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 4 Reddit

CakePHP 2.9.5 Released  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 7 Reddit

CakePHP 3.4.0-RC3 Released  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

CakePHP 3.4.0-RC2 Released  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 6 Reddit

GitHub - cakephp3-mssql-docker: Dockerfile for cakephp3/mssql  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 5 Reddit

Introducing CakePHP Oven. Larry Masters aka @PhpNut gives a quick demo of using OVEN to setup a fresh CakePHP skeleton app without the need to use the command line. Releasing January 16th,2017!  cakephp

8 years ago | 4 comments | | Score: 7 Reddit

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For me I see no reason to use this over the standard composer skeleton app. What other features are being planned though?

8 years ago

CakePHP 3.3.12 Released  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 6 Reddit

Ok to ask a question here? Have URL issue when moved site  cakephp

8 years ago | 4 comments | self.cakephp | Score: 1 Reddit

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A few things you can try: * Do a search across your code base for the old domain. * Look at HTTP requests in chrome and send if you can gather something from the redirect. * Use breakpoints in the code if you have something like xdebug, otherwise just start putting die(LINE . ' ' . FILE) though out the code till you isolate where. * Have you verified you updated DNS? Checkout

Those are some ideas off the top of my head. Obviously hard to debug what one cannot see.

8 years ago

CakePHP 3.4.0-beta4 Released  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 5 Reddit

2.9 vs 3.x Performance comparisons on PHP 7.1  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | self.cakephp | Score: 2 Reddit

CakeFest 2017 Guest speakers announced, Tickets now on sale!  cakephp

8 years ago | comments | | Score: 1 Reddit

MY SITE IS serving some images without an image extension and causing huge load times as a result  cakephp

8 years ago | 8 comments | self.cakephp | Score: 2 Reddit

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My guess is that cakephp receives the request and tries to do something with it (e.g. makes database connections, loads PHP plugins etc) and then sends the image to the browser.

Do you habe Apache or nginx as a Webserver? If so you can prevent cakephp from receiving the request and let Apache do the work.

Are right content headers set? Why do you serve these images without extensions? Are they dynamically created? Do you have caching enabled?

In mobile right now so I can debug properly but I hope this gets you further.

8 years ago