It's Drupal Contrib Wednesday! Post recent contrib module likes/dislikes  drupal

7 years ago | comments | self.drupal | Score: 6 Reddit

D8 Multisite theme set up  drupal

7 years ago | 1 comment | self.drupal | Score: 4 Reddit

What is the proper way of deleting a language in D8?  drupal

7 years ago | 1 comment | self.drupal | Score: 2 Reddit

First steps on Drupal  drupal

7 years ago | 12 comments | self.drupal | Score: 2 Reddit

Where in the page generation pipeline can an HTML beautifier be placed?  drupal

7 years ago | 12 comments | self.drupal | Score: 5 Reddit

How are things like price table created/managed in Drupal 8?  drupal

7 years ago | 2 comments | self.drupal | Score: 3 Reddit

Embed Videos in Drupal 8 Easily With Video Embed Field Module  drupal

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 8 Reddit

It's Triumphant Tuesday! Post your recent Drupal wins and launches  drupal

7 years ago | comments | self.drupal | Score: Reddit

Drupal8, twig and xdebug?  drupal

7 years ago | 5 comments | self.drupal | Score: 3 Reddit

What is the easiest module in D8 to learn by checking the source?  drupal

7 years ago | 13 comments | self.drupal | Score: 7 Reddit

Weekly Drupal beginner questions thread  drupal

7 years ago | 18 comments | self.drupal | Score: 8 Reddit

how to setup drupal on the devilbox  drupal

7 years ago | 4 comments | self.drupal | Score: 11 Reddit

Drupal 8 // Change dir to root?  drupal

7 years ago | comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

Gmap views: Having several issues that I cannot seem to solve  drupal

7 years ago | 9 comments | self.drupal | Score: 2 Reddit

D8 only shows front page when logged in. HELP!  drupal

7 years ago | 6 comments | self.drupal | Score: 2 Reddit

Weekly useful Drupal things to know thread  drupal

7 years ago | 1 comment | self.drupal | Score: 3 Reddit

Where are the attributes set for container.html.twig and how should I change them?  drupal

7 years ago | comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

Lullabot Podcast: Web Accessibility in 2017  drupal

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 3 Reddit

Securing Drupal 8 using Authoring Server vs Public Server  drupal

7 years ago | 1 comment | self.drupal | Score: 4 Reddit

Join the July 12 Day of Action for network neutrality by installing this Drupal module  drupal

7 years ago | 2 comments | | Score: 2 Reddit

Drupal Dev Thursdays: Post here with development questions or discussion  drupal

7 years ago | comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

TheWeeklyDrop Issue 296  drupal

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 2 Reddit

Drupal VM 4.6 adds Debian 9 (Stretch), Vagrant plugin auto-install, and more Docker  drupal

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 6 Reddit

I'm Officially Over Views  drupal

7 years ago | 16 comments | self.drupal | Score: 12 Reddit

Block list page  drupal

7 years ago | comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

In this spring we started our dev Drupal blog, I hope you will find interesting stuff there  drupal

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 5 Reddit

It's Drupal Contrib Wednesday! Post recent contrib module likes/dislikes  drupal

7 years ago | comments | self.drupal | Score: 2 Reddit

Docker4Drupal 2.2.0 has been released with new containers (Apache, Node.js, Solr 5.4, AthenaPDF, etc)  drupal

7 years ago | 1 comment | | Score: 12 Reddit

eBay listing integration for commerce  drupal

7 years ago | 1 comment | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

h5p module - is there a way to enter source code in the text WYSIWYG?  drupal

7 years ago | comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

It's Triumphant Tuesday! Post your recent Drupal wins and launches  drupal

7 years ago | 14 comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

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This time last week, the amount of Drupal I knew could fill an empty <span>.

Today, I have recent and trending feeds, a top story spotlight, a variety of article types (all with unique displays when needed), polls, comments, and I'm about half way through building a custom theme using bootstrap.

My brain hurts...

7 years ago

Plugins for D8 development in VS Code?  drupal

7 years ago | 13 comments | self.drupal | Score: 2 Reddit

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PHP Extension Pack by Felix Becker should get you code completion and debugging.

That's what I use and the plugins in that pack don't have any obvious shortcomings.

7 years ago

Inline image in article summary view? D8  drupal

7 years ago | 2 comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

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Is that image floated left? That should wrap all the text around it rather than just the first line. Also, it's going to be hard to make that look clean if some items have an image and some don't. Each of those previews are going to be different heights.

7 years ago

I want a youtube link to show up inside a hero slider (field_collection not using a slider module). Wondering if i could get some help.  drupal

7 years ago | 1 comment | self.drupal | Score: 2 Reddit

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src="<?php ($slidesData[0]

this is either a typo for $slideData (no plural) or you are assuming the video is always in the first slide (index 0)

7 years ago

How to use RSS feeds for a field  drupal

7 years ago | 3 comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

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Not sure I understand, but do you want to expose an RSS feeds of fields from a specific content type? Views RSS can do that.

7 years ago

Decoupling Drupal with Waterwheel for Ember and React  drupal

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 14 Reddit

Looking to make an Evernote/Checklist-type site for my own company. Mod recommendations? Drupal version?  drupal

7 years ago | 1 comment | self.drupal | Score: 3 Reddit

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Drupal is not a great fit for that kind of application, tbh. I'd use something lighter, like use Drupal as an API with a decoupled frontend.

7 years ago

Weekly Drupal beginner questions thread  drupal

7 years ago | 15 comments | self.drupal | Score: 3 Reddit

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Couple of questions... (Drupal 8)

  1. Theme regions - What will go to those regions? Blocks?
  2. How to query content for nodes of particular type and render them with twig? (I know about hook_preprocess(), but is there some restriction when it comes to type of the variable?)

7 years ago

Newly created node content  drupal

7 years ago | 3 comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

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if you are creating nodes and saving them manually with node_save(), make sure you specify a language for your field data


if you specify an invalid or blank language the fields will show up blank

7 years ago

How many pages can drupal handle?  drupal

7 years ago | 7 comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

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drupal is the best choice for multisites - also for single installations ofc :) you can share usertables and this can be configured in the setup.conf

7 years ago

Resolving javascript libraries conflict  drupal

7 years ago | 5 comments | self.drupal | Score: 2 Reddit

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If the js library provides a noConflict method (many do including recent versions of jQuery), then you can do something like this (to load two versions of the same Typeahead library):

add one jquery library
add another jquery library
jQuery.fn.typeahead_111 = jQuery.fn.typeahead.noConflict();

Now one version is accessible via Typeahead_111, and the other by Typeahead More details here.

7 years ago

Weekly useful Drupal things to know thread  drupal

7 years ago | 3 comments | self.drupal | Score: 12 Reddit

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Last month I had a discussion here with u/stevepurkiss u/joerglin trying to explain to me the benefits of custom entities. And I didn't really get it.

Yesterday I started making a new feature and was going to use field collections (even though I kind of hate them) as a means of plugging reusable 'blobs' into multiple nodes, but then I decided maybe I should try building a custom entity and entityreferences instead. I chose this more for the learning experience than any expectation it would be an especially better solution to the problem, I actually thought it would be overkill and take me all week, when I could have done it with FCs in a day, but it would be worth it for the entityAPI experience.

But in reality it was so easy. Tbh probably even easier than FCs. Pretty much knocked it out this afternoon. Mostly following this tutorial.

So I thought I should come back and answer my own questions somewhat:

I'm still a little lost on exactly what benefits airports-as-entities offers that as-nodes doesn't. Or what drawbacks nodes have.

Nodes come with loads of unnecessary baggage that my use-case doesn't need in the slightest. Translation, revisioning/workflow, comments, all useless to me here. By not using nodes I'm not firing all the many hooks relating to functionality I will never need on these entities, so it's faster.

Also, since nodes are flexibly fieldable via UI, you end up with the table-per-field pattern in your db, which means loads of joins. My entity's fields are fixed, and my entities will be stored in a single table. More performance gains.

How do staff update or add new airports? Do custom entities scaffold you an edit form as for a node?

Not entirely automatically, but it's not like you are forced to spend ages reinventing that wheel. It takes barely any time to set up a CRUD admin page for your new entity because

$entity = entity_ui_form_submit_build_entity($form, $form_state);

will basically do it for you (assuming no special logic or UI needed).

From now on I'm going to Entity ALL THE THINGS! hehe

7 years ago

Drupal 8 SEO Tips To Get Better Rankings on Google Search  drupal

7 years ago | comments | | Score: Reddit

Change action of view exposed form  drupal

7 years ago | 3 comments | self.drupal | Score: 2 Reddit

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I had something slightly similar last week. I was doing hook_form_alter on a webform node and the structure of the array is slightly different, there is the #action at the top level (IIRC) but also another one nested under ['submitted']

Not sure about views exposed forms but might it be similar? $form and render arrays often have sneaky same-thing-in-different-places gotchas like that.

All that said unless I've misunderstood something you're barking up the wrong tree anyway. The #action is where to POST to, so if you change that to some other url, that url won't have your submit handler on it, it won't work? It needs to POST to itself to handle the submission. You might want #redirect to set where it goes after having processed the submission, if you want the URL to change, and/or a custom _form_submit and/or template to strip the form controls from the result page (if your main priority is not having the results underneath the form, rather than the URL it's on per se)

7 years ago

We have a new module project in that just got approved for collecting user metadata and looking for some resourceful help/tips  drupal

7 years ago | 1 comment | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

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7 years ago

How to make two blocks with a search bar? (so I can have a search bar in both the sidebar and at the bottom of each page) | Drupal 6  drupal

7 years ago | 6 comments | self.drupal | Score: 1 Reddit

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In Drupal 7 you would use the Multiblock ( module. Doesn't seem to have a release for Drupal 6. I think you should upgrade your site to Drupal 7 which will still be maintained for some years. Drupal 6 is outdated now.

7 years ago

Drupal Dev Thursdays: Post here with development questions or discussion  drupal

7 years ago | 9 comments | self.drupal | Score: 5 Reddit

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Drupal 8. Need to have two Submit buttons on a form I'm creating via a module. When clicked some JS needs to fire. I've #attached the JS via libraries but not sure how to get the action to be the JS function call.

7 years ago

TheWeeklyDrop Issue 295  drupal

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 2 Reddit

Best way to trigger cron?  drupal

7 years ago | 7 comments | self.drupal | Score: 2 Reddit

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I like it can be used on pantheon which doesn't have command line option.

7 years ago

Using Pattern Lab to Design More Efficiently  drupal

7 years ago | comments | | Score: 1 Reddit